In the land of Elflán, life and beauty flourish. We meet Adelita, an adventurous and curious young elf eager to find what lies beyond the horizon. When the evil spirit of La Mancha kidnaps her mother and destroys her home, Adelita is forced to travel north to the land of the Hadaseñas in hopes of being reunited with her again. Using fairy tales and mythological themes, Little Duende comments on real-world matters as it explores the border crisis, dual citizenship, and the consequences of a dark family secret.
Little Duende is partly inspired by the “Cuentos Para Dormir” project
led by Sophia Sobko and specifically the Dreamer Moms USA Tijuana A.C.
stories as follows​
Mamá Luciérnaga Y Sus Estrellas El Pequeño Elfo
Yolanda Varona Palacios Emma Sánchez De Paulsen
Little Duende is heading to Rhinebeck Writer's Retreat this summer!
For more information click the link below
Development History
Industry reading presentation at Open Jar Studios in NYC on October 3rd, 2022
One week workshop in El Paso, TX in association with UTEP Dinner Theatre (2022)
Little Duende was developed at the Eugene O'Neill Theatre Center during the 2021 National Music Theatre Conference.
Little Duende was one of eight musicals featured in the 2021 National Alliance of Musical Theatre Festival.
Little Duende is currently seeking investors.
For information email us at
©All Rights Reserved - Robi Hager